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Debate Assistant

HyperWrite's Debate Assistant is an AI-driven tool designed to provide well-structured arguments for and against a given proposition. By leveraging the power of AI, this tool helps you create compelling and balanced arguments backed by up-to-date statistics, studies, and expert opinions. Whether you're preparing for a formal debate or need help forming an argument for a discussion, the Debate Assistant is your go-to tool.


Debate Assistant
AI-powered debate argument generator
Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?
Who is the Debate Assistant tool for?
The Debate Assistant is perfect for debaters, students, educators, journalists, and anyone needing to form well-structured arguments for a given topic.
  • Prepare for a debate: Generate well-structured arguments for and against a given proposition, backed by relevant data and expert opinions.
  • Form an argument for a discussion: Get a comprehensive view of both sides of an argument to better understand and articulate your stance.
  • Write an opinion piece or essay: Use the tool to build a balanced argument for your writing, enhancing its depth and credibility.
  • Teach critical thinking: Use the tool as a teaching aid to help students understand how to structure arguments and consider multiple perspectives.
Create your free account to get started with Debate Assistant and explore hundreds of powerful AI tools to transform your work.
How to use Debate Assistant
  1. Visit the tool's page.
  2. Input your debate proposition into the provided field.
  3. Click the 'Submit' button to let the AI generate arguments for and against your proposition.
  4. Review the generated arguments, making any necessary edits or adjustments to ensure they align with your intended message and style.
  5. Use the arguments to prepare for your debate, write your essay, or inform your discussion.


Is HyperWrite's Debate Assistant free to use?
Yes, HyperWrite offers a limited trial for users to test the Debate Assistant. For additional access, you can choose the Premium Plan at $19.99/mo or Ultra for $44.99/mo. Use the code 'TRYHYPERWRITE' for 50% off your first month.
How does the AI generate arguments for and against a proposition?
The Debate Assistant uses advanced AI models to analyze your proposition. It then uses its understanding of language, context, and structure to generate well-structured arguments for and against your proposition. The AI also uses its 'Search' feature to find up-to-date statistics, studies, and expert opinions to support each argument.
Is the content generated by the AI original?
Yes, the Debate Assistant generates original content based on your provided proposition. It uses advanced AI models to ensure that the generated arguments are unique, engaging, and backed by relevant data or expert opinions.

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