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Assignment Revision Assistant

HyperWrite's Assignment Revision Assistant is an AI-powered tool that helps you revise and improve your academic assignments based on professor's feedback. Whether you need to correct inaccuracies, incorporate additional information, or refine your assignment's overall quality, this tool has got you covered.


Assignment Revision Assistant
AI-powered academic revision tool
Original Assignment Text
The original text of the assignment.
Professor's Feedback
The feedback and suggestions received from the professor.
Who is the Assignment Revision Assistant tool for?
The Assignment Revision Assistant is perfect for students at any academic level who need assistance in refining their assignments based on professor's feedback.
  • Revise an essay: Improve your essay by incorporating the feedback provided by your professor.
  • Enhance a research paper: Refine your research paper by correcting inaccuracies and adding additional information based on your professor's suggestions.
  • Improve a thesis: Upgrade your thesis by integrating your professor's feedback into your work.
  • Refine a project report: Enhance your project report by making necessary changes according to your professor's feedback.
Create your free account to get started with Assignment Revision Assistant and explore hundreds of powerful AI tools to transform your work.
How to use Assignment Revision Assistant
  1. Visit the tool's page.
  2. Input your original assignment text and the feedback received from your professor.
  3. Click the 'Submit' button to let the AI revise your assignment based on the provided feedback.
  4. Review the revised assignment, making any necessary edits or adjustments to ensure it aligns with your professor's feedback and your academic standards.
  5. Submit the revised assignment to your professor, confident in its improved quality and accuracy.


Is HyperWrite's Assignment Revision Assistant free to use?
Yes, HyperWrite offers a limited trial for users to test the Assignment Revision Assistant. For additional access, you can choose the Premium Plan at $19.99/mo or Ultra for $44.99/mo. Use the code 'TRYHYPERWRITE' for 50% off your first month.
How does the AI revise assignments?
The Assignment Revision Assistant uses advanced AI models to analyze your original assignment text and the feedback received from your professor. It then makes necessary changes, corrects inaccuracies, and incorporates additional information as per the feedback to create a revised, high-quality assignment.
Is the content generated by the AI original?
Yes, the Assignment Revision Assistant generates original content based on your provided input and feedback. It uses advanced AI models to ensure that the revised assignment is unique, improved, and tailored to your professor's feedback.

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